
Five for Friday: June 26

It's hard to fathom, but another precious week of summer has slipped by...it can't be the end of June already!  On the upside, it's time for one of my favorite linky parties....
 Doodle Bugs Teaching

I love nothing better than finding a new blog to stalk! Well, Kristin over at A Teeny Tiny Teacher has mentioned her friend Shay on more than one occasion. I finally headed over to check her out. Oh.my.goodness.  So much fun happening over there....you should check it out....especially since her husband is seriously easy on the eyes!!

 Mix and Match Family

Shay also has another blog titled Mix and Match Mama. Obviously, the first blog focuses more on her family including fashion, recipes, decorating and hilarious stories about friends, family, and her 3 kiddos. Mix and Match Mama is primarily recipes that look delish!  I'll get you started with a post that had me snorting tea out my nose. If you have kids and have ever gone to the pool with them in swimmies, this is a must read! The good part is at the bottom....so.keep.reading.Friday Favorites.

Assorted beach necessities on the back of my husband's weekend racer.  Today is packing day. Excited.beyond.words! (about the beach-not the packing)

Tomorrow, this will be my view for an entire week....

This item is one of the most wish listed items in my store.  It will be on sale 30% off through the weekend or until I remember to wander in from my lounge chair on the beach to check the computer.  ;) I am also offering the opportunity to win your own copy!

 102 at the Zoo!

I created this resource because I couldn't find anything on TpT to celebrate the 102nd day of school that hadn't already been done in kindergarten or first grade. Our first grade does a 101 Dalmatians theme, and I just couldn't do 102 Dalmatians...I could already hear the kiddos exclaiming, "But we already did that in firrrrrst grade!!" Oh.the.horror....

Although this unit was created around a theme, it could totally be used any time of the year because of the content. If you leave out the cutesy decorations, you have a thematic unit based around researching zoo animals.

 102 at the Zoo

This unit includes QR codes to make integrating technology a breeze, leveled graphic organizers and leveled writing responses which include a frame for students that need extra support. I used that piece with my special ed kiddos, but it would be equally useful for your ESOL friends.  Those features check the box for differentiation. Can I get a woo hoo? Leveled math practice is also included along with a graphing activity. There are a variety of art pieces included to choose from to help make displaying the report a snap. Don't forget that second graders still need to practice those fine motor skills and stretch their creative brains.  I particularly like the activity where they take the numbers 1, 0, and 2 and create a zoo animal. Take a look at that elephant....too.dang.cute!

I know this doesn't look like much...just a big ol' industrial metal door. But trust me when I say that The Bee Hive is teacher heaven!  I am fortunate in my county to have a teacher resource center that has a million and one (only a slight exaggeration) die cuts, colored card stock, construction paper, poster maker, laminator, glue sticks, et. al. This place is run by the most creative, kind woman on the planet! Terry is truly there to serve teachers and in turn to impact students. I'll be showing some of the really neat stuff I've made there this summer over on 4th Grade Frolics Made It Monday linky when I'm ready for
the big reveal! 

Here's a sneak peek...

Prepare yourselves for a moment of mama nostalgia. This is my oldest on the last day of school. It is incomprehensible to me, but next year he will be in middle school. The days of recess and tire swings will give way to a new season. And while he is ecstatic about it, I find myself growing misty-eyed and wishing that "let them be little" was more than just a cutesy saying on a t-shirt. Here's to the joy of childhood! It's time to find my 3 littles and get in a little summer fun before this day slips away! Have a great weekend!


  1. I love blog stalking too!! My main one to stalk is Kindergarten Dragons - i LOVE her blog and all the posts she does!!

  2. I love the different activities offered in this unit! My second graders would love it! :)
