
Five for Friday Linky Party: June 12

 Five for Friday

I am so excited to be linking up for the first time (and on time) with Five for Friday!  I have been a blog reader for several years and finally decided to take the plunge. Five for Friday has been a favorite linky of mine as a reader. So here we go from the other side.....

Two of my three naughty munchkins...the cute one on the left was actually in the process of balling his hand into a fist to deliver a "fist of power" to his brother. Aye, yai, yai!

This week all 3 of my boys have camp. What's that you say? I can't hear you....I'm too busy listening to the peace and quiet!!  My oldest is on his first week long sleep away camp with the Boy Scouts.  My other two boys are in camp from 7:30-5:30. And don't hate me, but my husband is out of town this week.....this has never happened in 14 years of marriage so don't be a hater! 
Bathroom Painting Project...the boys' bathroom. I'd almost rather have a Brazilian wax....nah, on second thought, I'll paint.

Let me make you feel better...we are going to put our house on the market as soon as we can undo the damage of 3 rowdy boys and 12 years of living - and I do mean L.I.V.I.N.G. in this house. So my husband left me a "Honey Do" list. I'm pretty sure he's confused about who is supposed to be leaving these lists, but in the interest of moving into a house that is large enough for our growing boys....I'll do almost anything. All 3 boys currently share a bedroom with 2 sets of bunk beds. Our third bedroom houses enough Legos, Matchbox cars, action figures, board games, and McDonald's Happy Meal toys to furnish a small country's children with multiple toys each. #toomuchclutter #Goodwillismyfriend

Back Patio with the n-e-v-e-r  e-n-d-i-n-g handrail....look closely and you'll see a section on the left that is not painted - yet.

So, how badly do we need to move you ask? Badly enough that I went out in the sweltering southern heat to paint the handrail.  Don't feel too badly for me. I did reward myself for sweating like a marathoner without any of the cardiovascular benefits....

Y.U.M.!  Just yum.  This concoction of cold coffee goodness is a Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino. You may call it dessert in a cup.  Yes, please! 

I have discovered a new author, and she has a series. Seriously, this is almost as good as the Starbucks...well, almost.  The author's name is Sherryl Woods. The story is set in a fictional town in South Carolina that sounds a lot like Sumter (says the girl who was raised in a little town an hour from Myrtle Beach). The main characters are three fast friends that went to high school together and are weathering the changes that your 40's can bring.  It's a great read. I will definitely be checking out the rest of the series!

Well, that's a wrap for my first Five for Friday.  I'm off to work on my Monday Made It!  I hope your weekend is relaxing and filled with lazy days!


  1. You totally deserve a week of peace and quiet...don't we all :-) And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one whose husband leaves a "Honey Do" list! Have a great, albeit HOT, weekend!

    ~Jaime @ The First Grade Bloom

    1. Yes, we have totally earned it! Teaching is definitely my calling, but I am more than ready to recharge come summertime! Have a wonderful weekend!
