
#superleap SALE!! on TpT

In honor of Leap Year, I am joining up with a fantastic group of teachers to host a fabulous sale on TpT.  I have chosen 4 items in my shop that will be 29% off in honor of Leap Year on February 29th and March 1st. 

All you need to do is go HERE. Type #superleap into any search bar on Teachers Pay Teachers to see all of the items that are part of the sale. You can also see a catalog of all of the stores that are participating in the sale by going HERE. The stores are broken down by grade levels and subject areas to help you navigate to the things you need.

One note of caution: each seller is setting his/her own percentage off. I have chosen 29% off for 4 items and the rest of my store is 20% off, but that doesn't mean that everyone has so search carefully!

Happy shopping!

Five for Friday ~ February 26

I'm a little late joining in with Kacey over at Doodle Bugs Teaching, but better late than never, right?

I am super excited to be a part of a group of 150 TpT sellers that are having a Super Leap Day Sale!! #superleap  #supersavings

This is going to be tons of fun! Simply click on the picture to go TpT. Once there, type in #superleap in the search bar. It will bring up all of the items on super sale!! Each store owner has set his/her own discount price, but I know some sellers are going as high as 29% off on select items!  I am one of those sellers, so I hope you will check out my store
Storybook Endings. Another way to search the sale is by grade level or subject area. Click HERE to go to a resource that lists all of the participating stores and breaks the sale down into categories for super easy shopping.

I have been busy preparing for a full on library renovation this summer....new carpet squares, paint, new ceiling tiles, and light fixtures. That means that in my first year in the media center I'm having to do something that I would rather not do. I'm having to weed extensively because everything that remains gets packed by yours truly!  So, bye bye to all of the books that look anything like this....
or this
or this.

Wish me luck! It's a daunting task especially when you don't have a budget big enough to replace all of the books that need to be replaced.
Soccer season has begun and 2 of my 3 boys are playing. That means soccer practice on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday with games on Saturday. Add in Scouts on Monday and Tuesday for meeting nights, and I'm exhausted just thinking about it. No, wait! Mr. Big (who is not playing soccer) will be starting back in advanced swim, and it's not even on my calendar yet. I love this time of the year when it begins to warm up, but sometimes the hectic schedule makes this mama want to slow things down a bit!

Speaking of Scouts, we participated in the District Level Pinewood Derby this weekend. For those of you who don't know about the Pinewood Derby, it involves the dads building cars from a chunk of wood. The kiddos typically design and paint it (in my experience anyway). Then we all get together and race them down a track. The fastest cars go onto the district race. At any rate, we raced again this weekend. 

My boys didn't win at district, but they got their trophies for winning in their pack. Happy boys!!
Have a happy week and enjoy your extra Leap Day with a little shopping!


Markdown Monday~ February 22

Are you in need of geometry games for your math centers? Is differentiation a priority for you? Do you need for your administration to  be able to spot that differentiation at a glance? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Geometry Games Galore is the answer!

I am linking up this week with Kelly and Kim's Kindergarten Kreations Markdown Monday!

All the items in the linky have been marked down until Friday, so you'll want to hurry on over and check them out. But don't go too fast!! I want to give you a little preview of what's in Geometry Games Galore.

Geometry Games Galore is on sale until Friday, Feb. 26.
Happy shopping!


Five for Friday ~ February 19

Kacey over at Doodle Bugs Teaching is hosting her weekly linky party
and I am happy to be linking up (and on time for once)!

Valentine's Day came and went with a smidgen of sadness on my part this year. This is the first year I haven't been in the same building with my boys. Typically, I've been able to pop down to their classrooms, take a picture with them, oh and ah over whatever they're doing, and we are all satisfied. They still had fun, but my little did point out in the photos from the party that there wasn't one of the two of us. Sigh~~~killing me here, people.

I finished Hidden Picture: Numbers 1-30 July-December over my 2 day Winter Break...also known as Presidents Day with one more day because the district wants to appear to be generous. #irememberlastyear  #itwasaweek
I don't want to appear to be complaining; a bonus day is a bonus day, right?  And we all know a 3 day week beats a 4 day week hands down!!

At any rate, this unit is the second half of the year for teaching number recognition to 30. My sweet kinders loved this "game."  They begged to play it at indoor recess and free choice center time. It was not a free choice center.....do you get where I am going with this?!?!

  Essentially, you hide a picture that is slightly smaller behind one of the other pieces. The kiddos have to tell you the number they think the hidden picture is lurking behind. I made mine come up and point to the number they were calling out to be certain they weren't just naming numbers.
This set can be used for teaching patterns and for matching with base 10 block cards. And if you need buy in, let the kiddo who finds it first be the teacher. Yep, you heard me. Let that sweet baby hide the picture again and then call on friends one at the time to guess where it is hidden. All you have to do is sit back and watch the magic happen!

 Do you need to make it more challenging? Put the numbers in the chart out of order! Make students describe the number they want in terms of tens and ones. Struggling students? Take the cards out of the pocket chart and let the children put them in order and build the number using unifix cubes. The possibilities are endless!

If all else fails, this will be the cheapest set of calendar pieces you ever purchase! At a conservative $3 per set, 6 months of pieces would have cost $18 back in the dinosaur age when we all went to brick and mortar teachers stores! 

I'll try not be so long winded on this one. No promises though. My boys say I don't know any short stories! ;) 
If you are like me, you appreciate a bundle at a discount. Viola! Your wish is my command! #noproblem #mypleasure

My Middle and Little both placed at the Pinewood Derby for Cub Scouts.  Nothing but smiles of joy here!
The Little came in first place!!
My Middle came in 2nd place!!

What does this mean you ask?  It means I get to wake up to an alarm on another Saturday morning to take them to the district race. Will I be thrilled and excited for them when we get there? Almost assuredly. But not so much when the alarm is going off. Saturday is normally our only "no alarm" day. #momproblems #noalarmSaturdaysplease

My husband and I went out to dinner (his present to me) and to see Dead Pool (my present to him). I was prepared to totally not like this movie at all, but I must admit that it was mindless adult entertainment. Having said that, no one under 30 should be allowed in! #language #violence #uncoveredskin
There isn't any deep thinking afterwards. No, "I wonder what would have happened it...." or "If only...." 
Nope, just some belly chuckles and appreciation of sarcasm. (Well and of Ryan Reynolds at the beginning of the movie!)

Have a fantastic weekend!


Freebie Alert!! ~ Valentine's Day Cards

If you find yourself behind the 8 ball as either a teacher or a mom, I have the solution for you!  Head over to my TpT store and print out my free Valentine's Day cards. Add a sucker or piece of candy with a piece of Scotch tape, and tada....you're ready for the party!!
Click on the picture to head directly to your freebie!

I hope your Valentine's Day parties are filled with friendship, love, and calm! :)