Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching is hosting
Five for Friday. It's a great time to see what all of our teaching "web" friends have been up to this week!
I finally completed by
Teacher Calendar for the upcoming school year! It has a 2 page spread with large boxes with lines inside each box for all of my type A friends. Each month has 2 pages for taking notes at meetings, brainstorming ideas, list making, etc. You have a choice of 8 covers. If you're like me, you like to match the clip art to your own hair/eye color! The calendar is available now for $1 and will be updated each year at no additional cost.
I love Dorothea Benton Frank's books! I am from South Carolina, vacation on Isle of Palms, and love the history of the Charleston area. This book is set on Sullivan's Island which is the island next to the Isle of Palms. Anyway, I love to read about places that I've actually been before. The plot involves 3 generations of women and the complexity that is family. I'm about halfway through it and I highly recommend it; it's an easy beach or pool read!
Speaking of the pool, the boys and I got invited over to a friend's neighborhood pool yesterday. I was enjoying adult conversation so much that I forgot to take any pictures of the boys! (Insert stock pool photo here.... these are random children.....not mine....)
Another benefit of the pool (other than the life saving infusion of adult conversation) was that the boys wore themselves out!! Three hours of swimming, laughing, splashing, and playing with other children did them a world of good. They were all upstairs by 8 p.m. and my husband and I actually got to watch grown-up t.v. #thatsawin
I am working at a furious pace to finish several TpT projects. Hopefully this one will be ready for Monday Made It over at 4th Grade Frolics.
Essentially, Hold It! provides a way for students to request a book be held for them. They fill out the form, turn it in, and the media specialist can place the hold in Destiny when she has a few minutes in between classes. When the book becomes available, you simply email the homeroom teacher which the student has listed on the form, stick the Hold It! request into the book and place it in the pick up area for the student to retrieve. All of the signs and forms will be included to make this painless. All you have to do is teach the procedure to your students! :)

My family is in the process of selling our house and moving into a larger one. Our house sold the day after it was listed (woo hoo!!) but finding another has presented a challenge. The first house we found we thought was ours and we told our sons. The sellers backed out at the last second (they hadn't initialed one box on the contract, but had signed on the dotted line). The second house was waaaay over priced, and after haggling back and forth for a bit it was obvious we would not be coming to an agreement. We are now on house number three. Fingers crossed....we have a binding agreement so hopefully this one will work out. Unfortunately, the closing on our current house is the end of July and we have 8 days before the closing on our new house. Y'all please say a prayer for us. While we have somewhere to stay, we don't have a place for the contents of our house to stay. Aaaand....I go back to work Aug. 1st. In the end this will be a great blessing for our family if I can just see my way through the stressful situation that will end in a fabulous large enough house for my family!
Refill your cup of coffee and see what everyone else is up to over at Doodle Bugs Teaching. Happy Friday (just in case you forgot what day it was again)!